Urgent Message from a Hot Planet: Navigating the Climate Crisis
UN Glacier Year Canada . UN Glacier Year Canada .

Urgent Message from a Hot Planet: Navigating the Climate Crisis

Urgent Message from a Hot Planet: Navigating the Climate Crisis outlines the science behind global heating and its root causes, provides ways to take action and honors the efforts of the millions of youth and adult allies from around the world working tirelessly to make a difference. Their powerful message: do something now!

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Capturing Glaciers: A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming
zoe johnson zoe johnson

Capturing Glaciers: A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming

In Capturing Glaciers, Dani Inkpen historicizes the use of repeat glacier photographs, examining what they show, what they obscure, and how they influence public understanding of nature and climate change. Though convincing as a form of evidence, these images offer a limited and sometimes misleading representation of glaciers themselves. Furthermore, their use threatens to replicate problematic ideas baked into their history. With clear and compelling writing, Capturing Glaciers ultimately calls for a centering of climate justice and warns of the consequences of reducing the problem of global warming to one of distant wilderness.

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Becoming Water - Glaciers in A Warming World
zoe johnson zoe johnson

Becoming Water - Glaciers in A Warming World

Becoming Water takes the reader on a tour of Canada’s glaciers, describing the stories they tell and educating the reader about how glaciers came to be, how they work and what their future holds in our warming world.

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