K-12 Educational Resources
Alberta Tomorrow
Photo courtesy of Caroline Côté
Alberta Tomorrow is a FREE educational tool that has been developed to use with K-12, university and college curricula.
The Alberta Tomorrow simulator helps you to understand the process of sustainable planning to balance land-uses such as agriculture, oil and gas and forestry with ecological integrity. By looking at past and present landscape imagery, you will be able to see how land uses impact our environment and economy. You can collect, geotag and save water sampling data, images, video and other observations.
The CLIMATE CHANGE module allows you to explore three different future scenarios to see possible futures.
Take a virtual trip to the Athabasca Glacier to learn about glacial landforms, movement, and how climate change is impacting our glaciers. Watch Glaciologist Ali Criscitiello explain how she analyzes ice cores and what they tell us about our climate and atmosphere in the past.
Free lesson plans, videos, software and learning materials.
Register for an account at www.albertatomorrow.ca