Meet the Team
Photo by Lynn Martel.

Robert Sandford
Interim Co-Chair; Senior Government Relations Liaison, Global Climate Emergency Response at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment, and Health
Graham McDowell
Human Dimensions of Climate Change Advisor; Founder and Leader, Canadian Mountain Assessment; Director of Science and Knowledge, Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) Conservation Initiative
Jim Elzinga
Public Education Advisor; Founder, Guardians of the Ice
Mike Demuth
Science Advisor and Liaison with the World Glacier Monitoring Program; Adjunct Professor, Research Geoscientist, University of Victoria
Tim Patterson
Indigenous Knowledge and Relations Advisor; Advisor to the Alpine Club of Canada
Lynn Martel
Writer-in-Residence and Public Speaker
Shawn Marshall
Research Scientist; Chief Scientific Officer, Environment & Climate Change Canada
Brian Menounos
Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada; Professor of Geography Program, UNBC; Chief Scientist, Hakai Institute Airborne Coastal Observatory; Former Canada Research Chair in Glacier Change
Caroline Aubry-Wake
Glaciologist-in-Residence; Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Utrecht University
Corinne Schuster-Wallace
Executive Director, Global Institute for Water Security; University of Saskatchewan
The Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
Ward Cameron
Advisor to the Interpretive Guides Association
Ralph Sliger
International Tourism Advisor
Caroline Côté
Canadian athlete, adventurer, and documentary filmmaker.
Kira Gerein
Student Supporter
Zoë Johnson
Teighan Wallace
Social Media Coordinator